1.Russian military assault in Ukraine
There is a full scale war going on in Ukraine that was started by Russia in February 24th 2022. Large areas of Ukraine have been occupied, Ukrainian capital Kiev is nearly encirculated by Russian militaries and according to UN more than one million people have fled from Ukraine within last 7 days. It is estimated that total number of refugees will be 4.0 – 7.0 Mio.
The international organizations estimate that total number of causalities during first war week is around 10 000 people on both sides. Kiev and other Ukrainian large cities all over the country are under constant Russian missile fire. The situation is worsening every day.
The UN General Assembly overwhelmingly adopted a resolution on March 2, 2022, demanding that Russia immediately ends its military operations in Ukraine. A total of 141 countries voted in favor of the resolution, which reaffirms Ukrainian sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity.
There is a martial law established in Ukraine from February 24th 2022. Due to the Ukrainian-Russian war all business operations of ACE Logistics Ukraine have been fully terminated.
2.Situation in Belarus
Belarus is an ally of Russia in this war against Ukraine and therefore many economic sanctions that have been implemented by numerous countries worldwide against Russia are valid against Belarus, too. There are likely more economical and financial sanctions to be implemented against Russia and Belarus in coming days.
Therefore ACE Logistics declares very clearly: due to war in Ukraine business operations in our Belarus company might be limited in the nearest future. You have to be aware that there is a high risk for international bank transfers to be terminated already now and ACE Logistics cannot guarantee that many international business operations in Belarus will not be hit by international sanctions in coming days and weeks.
Due to the situation, all transports by ACE Logistics to/from Ukraine, Belarus and Russia have been suspended. ACE Logistics supports its Ukrainian and Belarussian colleagues in these difficult and tragic times. We are also helping to transport humanitarian aid to Ukraine and to Ukrainian war refugees. We thank all the people and organizations who support Ukraine in these difficult times.
Stay strong Ukraine! Slava Ukraini!